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搜索條件:作者(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle),共找到38條結果
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
副標題 :
作者 : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
分類 : English
索書號 : 428
關鍵字 :
Sherlock Holmes: The Copper Beeches
分類 :
索書號 :
Sherlock Holmes: A Scandal in Bohemia
Sherlock Holmes: The Veiled Lodger
Sherlock Holmes: The Sussex Vampire
Sherlock Holmes: The Naval Treaty
Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Man
Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet
Sherlock Holmes: The Stockbroker's Clerk
Sherlock Holmes: Silver Blaze
Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
Sherlock Holmes: The Musgrave Ritual
Sherlock Holmes: Charles Augustus Milverton
Sherlock Holmes: The Six Napoleons
Sherlock Holmes: The Bruce-partington Plans
Sherlock Holmes: The Engineer's Thumb
Sherlock Holmes: The Creeping Man
Sherlock Holmes: The Reigate Squires
Sherlock Holmes: The Second Stain
Sherlock Holmes: The Red-headed League